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Yoga retreat Greece, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga for beginners Mykonos, Nude yoga Santorini, Yoga studio Greece, Yoga teacher Crete, Yoga training Greece, Yoga instructor Mykonos, Yoga for men Amorgos, Yoga for men Mykonos, Yoga for men Crete, Gay pride, Gay flag, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, 300 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Book yoga retreats Greece, Personal yoga Crete, Yoga retreat Santorini, Yoga for beginners Santorini, Yoga teacher, 200 hour yoga teacher training Santorini, Personal yoga Santorini, Yoga retreat Kefalonia, Nude yoga Kefalonia, Yoga studio Kefalonia, Yoga training Kefalonia, Yoga instructor Kefalonia, 300 hour yoga teacher training Kefalonia, Personal yoga Kefalonia, Yoga retreat Crete, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga studio Crete, Yoga instructor Crete, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Mindfulness retreat, Ashtanga vinyasa, Yoga asanas, Yoga postures, Yoga poses, RYT 200, Yoga alliance member, Yoga pants, Yoga mat, Mudras, Hatha, YTT,

This 25days / 24 Nights intense YTT has been specially designed to understand and experience Yoga in its full depth. This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and is designed to build a firm foundation of inner discipline and provide the proficiency to teach yoga to others.
This course is not just a training program but will be a transformational experience.

A typical curriculum includes a deep-dive into asanas, including hands-on assists and differences in anatomy, pranayama techniques, philosophy, and the business of yoga. The programs all spend a significant portion focusing on the spiritual, silent elements of yoga such as pranayama, meditation techniques, mantras, physiology, methodology, philosophy.

Through participation in this program, you will experience personal, spiritual growth expansion on all levels and you explore a more personalized therapeutic practice and approach.
With a small class size of approximately 10 other students, you can expect to be part of a very attentive yoga teacher training that stays true to its motto “everything is possible “ as embracing people of all body types, ages and backgrounds. 
Perfect for beginners and intermediate yogis, the 200-hour training teaches you the ins-and-outs of teaching Vinyasa, Hatha, Restorative and guided meditation yoga classes. Even if one does not wish to be a yoga teacher, one may attempt this course for the deeper understanding of the philosophies as well as for the intense purification experience and for all round development of the personality.

Material for 25 Days Intense Yoga teacher training course :

  • Asana practice : Vinyasa Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga - morning and evening session. 

  • Meditation practice : This is a very important aspect of learning yoga. Meditation allows you to go beyond the wilderness of an ordinary mind and achieve peace. Tools and steps guideline to meditation

  • Pranayama: kapalabhati, anuloma viloma (alternate nostril breathing), Advanced pranayama exercises. This session will enable you to understand the control of prana or the subtle energy that will help to control the mind and channelize your energy in a positive way. 

  • Hands-on assists - How to teach : This session has been designed to understand the importance of the art of adjustment and alignment of asana. There is no yoga class without the teacher assisting their students and in this every day class you will learn not only how to teach with confidence but also how to adjust correctly and how to set up a proper environment for class. Methodology, sequencing & building a yoga class.

  • Yoga Philosophy and Psychology : What is yoga? The mind of the aspirant. Principles and four paths of yoga : Karma Yoga (selfless service), Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion, including attendance at devotional rituals); Raja Yoga (mind control), and Jnana Yoga (the path of wisdom and realisation).

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Kriyas :The six classical exercises for purifying the body.

  • Mudra and Bandha : skills and techniques to perfect a mudra. 

  • Yogic Diet and Nutrition : Proper diet and nutrition according to Ayurvedic guidelines. 

  • Kirtan (Chanting) :Positive effects of chanting on emotions. Learning classical Sanskrit chants

In this yoga teacher training course, you will follow the traditional Hatha yoga and keep on focus to the following point: ‘’Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self’’ as it is written in the Bhagavad Gita.
A high level of will-power and self-discipline is required during the course as it is physically, mentally, and spiritually demanding as well as highly rewarding. It is very important that the participants have physical and mental health.
Participant should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible for the course diploma :
1. Regular attendance of all classes
2. Attitude and behaviour inside and outside of the centre while attending the course
3. Performance and attitude in the practical asana, pranayama, bandhas and kriya classes
4. Hatha yoga teaching skills
5. Leading spiritual chanting in the satsangs
6. Written daily summary of the main philosophy classes and hatha yoga theory classes
There will be a written exam at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students.

Led by Angelos Ananda Institute founder, and E-RYT 600, Angelos Steliou —who's been practicing since 2008 and leading Retreats and Workshops around the world the last 7 years-the sessions offer not just the tenets of teaching yoga to the community, but a way for you to embrace and cultivate your own practice and life.

The 200-hour yoga teacher training held in Levinthos, known for its spirituality, calmness, beautiful beach, tasty Greek cuisine, and slow way of life, is perfect for you to immerse yourself in the practice near the Lybean Sea and nature. The south of Crete is a hidden gem and Levinthos at Lentas has been building a name itself, especially in the international yoga community.

Please contact us for bookings and more information. 

Reviews, Testimonials 

"Transformational experience in paradise "

My yoga teacher training (200 hrs) with Angelos was a transformational experience in all senses - a step closer to my inner self! In a few weeks only I got to deepen my theoretical understanding of yoga, anatomy of the body, set the first steps in learning how to teach yoga classes, meditation, getting to know different pranayama techniques and did many many many hours of yoga practice (200 to be exact :-)). With that, I truly got to deepen my understanding of yoga and its philosophy. More importantly, I connected to myself, truly. That's where Angelos' amazingness came in: he is passionate, inspirational, devoted, loving, caring, knowledgable and 150% honest. Together with his wholehearted support, it allows personal growth at its best & purest form. If I were to recommend any teacher for yoga or yoga teacher trainings, where you are trusting your body, mind and soul to another human being, then it would be Angelos with no single doubt! Enjoy his wisdom, care & aura, it's unique! And on top of all this, the beautiful nature, accommodation and zen around the Lentas retreat center. Amazing!


"Diving into humanity"

I had really high expectations. It tooks me a while to chose my YTT. And I didnt regret my choice. More than a stage in a beautiful place. This séjour was a real therapeutic, méditative, nutrishous time. Yoga is so immense, and because of the exceptionnal place, and the beautiful heart of the teacher, I was safe to explore all the personal teaching the intensive practice gave me. Angelos is a real beautiful heart. I really appreciate his humanity. Really. We were all together students of life, and he bring us so much love... So much acceptation... We had beautiful, unique time. I came back so much healthy than before. Inside and outside. And the most precious benefit, with a real personal practice, and the pleasure to teach and share it. Don't wait. Just go. And let it flow.


The YTT has been an incredible experience on so many levels. Angelos is a fantastic teacher The schedule worked well, it's intense, yes, but the balance is good. In his teaching practice Angelos is creative, supportive, determined, patient, strict in a good and focused way, he is also playful and full of praise. As a person he is humble, wise, a great teacher and a great student, he is joyful, spiritual, warm and very in tune.
We were a group of 7 full of questions, emotions, doubts and laughter and Angelos supported and nurtured each of us according to our needs. We were teaching and aligning each other from Day 2 and it helped us to overcome any awkwardness. His teaching style and approach is excellent. I have learned so much more than how to teach yoga, the philosophy and discussions really enlightened me. The location is stunning. The rooms are comfortable, basic and very clean. The food is absolutely delicious, huge credit to the cook.
I have nothing but thanks and love to Angelos for the 25days I shared at Levinthos, I will miss those hugs. I highly recommend training here, I can't wait to return for our re-union which we are already planning.


For more reviews, please check : Book Yoga Retreats, Tripaneer, FB page


Yoga retreat Greece, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga for beginners Mykonos, Nude yoga Santorini, Yoga studio Greece, Yoga teacher Crete, Yoga training Greece, Yoga instructor Mykonos, Yoga for men Amorgos, Yoga for men Mykonos, Yoga for men Crete, Gay pride, Gay flag, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, 300 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Book yoga retreats Greece, Personal yoga Crete, Yoga retreat Santorini, Yoga for beginners Santorini, Yoga teacher, 200 hour yoga teacher training Santorini, Personal yoga Santorini, Yoga retreat Kefalonia, Nude yoga Kefalonia, Yoga studio Kefalonia, Yoga training Kefalonia, Yoga instructor Kefalonia, 300 hour yoga teacher training Kefalonia, Personal yoga Kefalonia, Yoga retreat Crete, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga studio Crete, Yoga instructor Crete, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Mindfulness retreat, Ashtanga vinyasa, Yoga asanas, Yoga postures, Yoga poses, RYT 200, Yoga alliance member, Yoga pants, Yoga mat, Mudras, Hatha, YTT,
Yoga retreat Greece, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga for beginners Mykonos, Nude yoga Santorini, Yoga studio Greece, Yoga teacher Crete, Yoga training Greece, Yoga instructor Mykonos, Yoga for men Amorgos, Yoga for men Mykonos, Yoga for men Crete, Gay pride, Gay flag, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, 300 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Book yoga retreats Greece, Personal yoga Crete, Yoga retreat Santorini, Yoga for beginners Santorini, Yoga teacher, 200 hour yoga teacher training Santorini, Personal yoga Santorini, Yoga retreat Kefalonia, Nude yoga Kefalonia, Yoga studio Kefalonia, Yoga training Kefalonia, Yoga instructor Kefalonia, 300 hour yoga teacher training Kefalonia, Personal yoga Kefalonia, Yoga retreat Crete, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga studio Crete, Yoga instructor Crete, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Mindfulness retreat, Ashtanga vinyasa, Yoga asanas, Yoga postures, Yoga poses, RYT 200, Yoga alliance member, Yoga pants, Yoga mat, Mudras, Hatha, YTT,
Yoga retreat Greece, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga for beginners Mykonos, Nude yoga Santorini, Yoga studio Greece, Yoga teacher Crete, Yoga training Greece, Yoga instructor Mykonos, Yoga for men Amorgos, Yoga for men Mykonos, Yoga for men Crete, Gay pride, Gay flag, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, 300 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Book yoga retreats Greece, Personal yoga Crete, Yoga retreat Santorini, Yoga for beginners Santorini, Yoga teacher, 200 hour yoga teacher training Santorini, Personal yoga Santorini, Yoga retreat Kefalonia, Nude yoga Kefalonia, Yoga studio Kefalonia, Yoga training Kefalonia, Yoga instructor Kefalonia, 300 hour yoga teacher training Kefalonia, Personal yoga Kefalonia, Yoga retreat Crete, Yoga Teacher Training Crete, Yoga studio Crete, Yoga instructor Crete, 200 hour yoga teacher training Crete, Mindfulness retreat, Ashtanga vinyasa, Yoga asanas, Yoga postures, Yoga poses, RYT 200, Yoga alliance member, Yoga pants, Yoga mat, Mudras, Hatha, YTT,
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